Stephen Vincent


Contract Software Developer in the OKC area. Specialize in Front-end technologies (because of enjoyment) with extensive experience in all layers of the SDLC.


One month before graduation I found my soul mate, got a cat, got married shortly after, started developing software, traveled and saw cool places, got another cat, found an old car to restore, learned to cook, decided contracting sounded pretty cool, was asked to create a portfolio, and now you’re reading this.


I started working at age 10. Now before you go calling child labor my brother and I worked for my dad in his small plumbing business. I had to fill out a time card and everything. Digging in Oklahoma’s July heat I quickly realized it wasn’t for me. A year later I was on a computer learning how to boot up a DOS computer.

In high school I was concurrently enrolled and got my first Certificates (all the CompTIA suite that was available to me) and quickly realized I was pretty good with computers. My journey for knowing all things tech never slowed down. I got my CS degree, became a JR developer, SCRUM master for a team, Systems Architect, and now a freelance contractor!

I’ve worked in every layer of the SDLC and can say I am in love with the Front-End technologies. Something about taking all of these ideas I have, coding them up, and seeing them on a browser or phone is immensely awesome! I’ve dove headfirst in the local communities to keep learning all I can and talk tech to fellow geeks. I decided to give back by leading a User Group and do volunteer work in the STEM programs in the local school districts I attended as a kid.